by Ruth Tringham | Nov 23, 2018
Archaeological houses, households, housework and the home (1995)This article was originally presented at an international conference on “The Home” in Trondheim, Norway in August 1992, to which I was invited as one of the keynote speakers. The article was...
by Ruth Tringham | Nov 22, 2018
Engendered Places in Prehistory (1995) This article was a follow up to the “Households with Faces” article in Engendering Archaeology and the “Men and Women in Prehistoric Architecture” article. This article was written for a new journal of...
by Ruth Tringham | Oct 7, 2016
Households through a Digital Lens (2012) At the conference of invited participants on Household Archaeology in the Middle East and Beyond: Theory, Method, and Practice in February 2009 at the University of Utah (Salt Lake City), I gave one of the keynote...
by Ruth Tringham | Oct 6, 2016
The Continuous House: A View from the Deep Past (2000) This article was originally crafted for a presentation in the symposium on “House Societies” organized by Susan Gillespie and Rosemary Joyce at the Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological...
by Ruth Tringham | Oct 3, 2016
Conclusion: Selevac in the wider context of European prehistory with Dusan Krstic This chapter was written with a certain amount of hindsight. The Selevac Archaeological Project was not designed to study changes in social relations, for example, the role of household...