Ruth Tringham’s Publications


1971    Hunters, Fishers and Farmers of Eastern Europe, 6000-3000 b.c. Hutchinson University Press, London.

1972    (with Peter Ucko and G. W. Dimbleby) (editors) Man, settlement and urbanism: proceedings of a meeting of the Research Seminar in Archaeology and Related Subjects held at the Institute of Archaeology, London University. Duckworth, London.

1973    Ecology and agricultural settlements : an ethnographic and archaeological perspective. Warner Modular Publications, Andover, Mass.

1973    Urban settlements: the process of urbanization in archaeological settlements. Warner Modular Publications, Andover, Mass.

1973    Territoriality and proxemics : archaeological and ethnographic evidence for the use and organization of space. Warner Modular Publications, Andover, Mass.

1990    (with Dusan Krstic) (editors) Selevac: a Neolithic Village in Yugoslavia. Institute of Archaeology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA.

1998    (with Hodder, I., M. Stevanovic, R. Tringham and M. Ashley) Çatalhöyük: a site guide, Istanbul.

2012    (with Mirjana Stevanovic (editors) Last House on the Hill: BACH Area Reports from Çatalhöyük, Turkey (Çatalhöyük vol.11). Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

Journal Articles

1971   Experiments in the Use of Stone Tools or How to satisfy the creative urge and serve science at the same time. Journal of the University College London Anthropology Society 1:34-36.

1972   The Function, Technology, and Typology of the Chipped Stone Industry at Bylany, Czechoslovakia. Alba Regia XII:143-148.

1974    (with Renfrew, Colin and Ian Todd) Beyond a Subsistence Economy: The Evolution of Social Organization in Prehistoric Europe. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Supplementary Studies (20):69-95.

1974    South Russia, the Caucasus, and the Near East: An Alternative Model for Cultural Change. American Journal of Archaeology 78(4):348–349.

1974    (with  G. Cooper, G. Odell, B. Voytek and A. Whitman) Experimentation in the formation of edge-damage: a new approach to lithic analysis. Journal of Field Archaeology 1(1-2):186-196.

1980    (with  Dusan Krstic, Timothy Kaiser and Barbara Voytek) The Early Agricultural Site of Selevac, Yugoslavia. Archaeology 33(2):24-32.

1983    V. Gordon Childe 25 years after: his relevance for the archaeology of the eighties. Journal of Field Archaeology 10(1): 85-100.

1985    (with B.  Brukner and B. Voytek) The Opovo Project: a study of socio-economic change in the Balkan Neolithic. Journal of Field Archaeology 12(4):425-444.

1991    Men and Women in Prehistoric Architecture. Traditional Dwellings and Settlements Review III(1):9-28.

1992    (with  B.  Brukner, T. Kaiser, K. Borojevic, N. Russell, P. Steli, M Stevanovic and B. Voytek) The Opovo Project: a study of socio-economic change in the Balkan Neolithic. 2nd preliminary report. Journal of Field Archaeology 19(3):351-386.

1993    Life after Selevac: Why and How a Neolithic Settlement is abandoned. Balcanica XXIII:133-145.

1994    Bulgarian Archaeology: report of fieldwork July-August 1993. Berkeley Archaeology 1(3):4-5.

1994    Engendered Places in Prehistory. Gender, Place, and Culture 1(2):169-203.

1996    Preliminary Report of the excavation of the Eneolithic tell of Podgoritsa, Bulgaria. Berkeley Archaeology 3(2):7-9.

1998   (with Douglass Bailey, Ruth Tringham, Jason Bass, Mirjana Stevanovic, Mike  Hamilton, Heike Neumann, Ilke Angelova and Ana Raduncheva) Expanding the Dimensions of Early Agricultural Tells: The Podgoritsa Archaeological Project, Bulgaria. Journal of Field Archaeology 25(4):373–396.

2000   Excavating Çatalhöyük 1997-2000: the BACH Area. In Berkeley Archaeology Newsletter, pp. 1-4. vol. 8. Archaeological Research Facility, UCB.

2002    (with Hodder, Ian) Çatalhöyük: Interviewing the Experts, Digging Deeper. Dig 4(2):16-21.

2003    (with Michael Ashley-Lopez and Michel Séferiades) Çatalhöyük. Dossiers d’Archéologie 281:54-60.

2007    (with Rosemary Joyce) Feminist Adventures in Hypertext. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory 14(3: special issue: Practising Archaeology as a Feminist, edited by Alison Wylie and Meg Conkey):328-358.

2008    (with Brit Solli and Marie Sørensen) Parallel Lives – an Interview with Ruth Tringham. Norwegian Archaeological Review 41(1):43-52.

2011    (with Michael Ashley and Cinzia Perlingieri) Last House on the Hill: Digitally Remediating Data and Media for Preservation and Access. ACM Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 4(4):Article 13.

2015    (with Michael Ashley) Becoming Archaeological. Journal of Contemporary Archaeology 2(1):29-41.

2018   A Plea for a Richer, Fuller and More Complex Future Archaeology. Norwegian Archaeological Review 51 (1-2):57-63.

2019   Giving Voices (Without Words) to Prehistoric People: Glimpses into an Archaeologist’s Imagination. European Journal of Archaeology First View March 26, 2019.

Chapters in Books

1968    A preliminary study of the early Neolithic and latest Mesolithic blade industries in southeast and central Europe. In Studies in Ancient Europe, edited by J. Coles and D. Simpson, pp. 45-70. Leicester University Press, Leicester.

1969    Animal domestication in the neolithic cultures of the south-west part of European USSR. In The domestication and exploitation of plants and animals, edited by P. J. Ucko and G. W. Dimbleby, pp. 361-380. Duckworth, London.

1972    Territorial demarcation of prehistoric settlements. In Man, Settlement and Urbanism, edited by P. Ucko, R. Tringham and G. Dimbleby, pp. 463-486. Duckworth, London.

1972    Introduction: Settlement patterns and urbanization. In Man, Settlement and Urbanism, edited by P. Ucko, R. Tringham and G. Dimbleby, pp. xix-xviii. Duckworth, London.

1973    The Mesolithic of southeastern Europe. In The Mesolithic in Europe, edited by S. K. Kozlowski, pp. 551-572. Warsaw University Press.

1974    The concept of ‘Civilization’ in European Archaeology. In The Rise and Fall  of Civilization, edited by J. Sabloff and C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky, pp. 470-485. Cummings, San Francisco, Ca.

1978    Experimentation, Ethnoarchaeology and the Leapfrogs in Archaeological Methodology. In Explorations in Ethnoarchaeology, edited by R. Gould, pp. 169-199. University of New Mexico Press, Albuquerque.

1978    A Re-appraisal of Gordon Childe’s Concepts of the Agricultural and Urban Revolution: Recent Research in Europe and the European USSR. In Anthropology for the future, edited by D. B. Shimkin, S. Tax and J. W. Morrison, pp. 59-63. Research report – Department of Anthropology, University of Illinois ; no. 4. vol. . Dept. of Anthropology, University of Illinois, Urbana.

1988    Microwear analysis of the chipped stone assemblage from Divostin. In Divostin and the Neolithic of central Serbia, edited by A. McPherron and D. Srejovic, pp. 203-224. Ethnology monographs 10. University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

1988    (with Barbara Voytek) Re-thinking the Mesolithic: the case of  Southeast Europe. In The Mesolithic in Europe: proceedings of the IIIrd International Symposium on the Mesolithic, edited by C. Bonsall, pp. 492-499. John Donald Publishers, Edinburgh.

1990    (with Glumac, Petar) The Exploitation of Copper Minerals. In Selevac: a Neolithic village in Yugoslavia, edited by R. Tringham and D. Krstic, pp. 549-566. Monumenta Archaeologica #15. Institute of Archaeology Press, UCLA, Los Angeles.

1990    Introduction: the Selevac Archaeological Project. In Selevac: a Neolithic Village in Yugoslavia, edited by R. Tringham and D. Krstic, pp. 1-12. Monumenta Archaeologica No. 15. Institute of Archaeology Publications, Los Angeles.

1990    (with  Dusan Krstic) Relative and Absolute Chronology. In Selevac: a Neolithic village in Yugoslavia, edited by R. Tringham and D. Krstic, pp. 45-56. Monumenta Archaeologica #15. Institute of Archaeology Press, UCLA, Los Angeles.

1990    (with  Dusan Krstic) Conclusion: Selevac in the wider context of European prehistory. In Selevac: a Neolithic village in Yugoslavia, edited by R. Tringham and D. Krstic, pp. 567-616. Monumenta Archaeologica #15. UCLA Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles.

1990    (with Mirjana Stevanovic) The Nonceramic Uses of Clay. In Selevac: a Neolithic village in Yugoslavia, edited by R. Tringham and D. Krstic, pp. 323-396. UCLA Institute of Archaeology Press, Los Angeles.

1990    Archaeological excavation of Selevac 1976-78. In Selevac: a Neolithic village in Yugoslavia, edited by R. Tringham and D. Krstic, pp. 57-214. UCLA Institute of Archaeology Publications, Los Angeles.

1991    In Anbetracht der Vinca-Plocnik-Phase der Vinca-Kultur:  Die Manipulierung der Zeit. In Die Kupferzeit als historische Epoche, edited by J. Lichardus, pp. 271-286. Saarbrücker Beitrage zur Altertumskunde 55. Dr. Rudolf Habelt GMBH, Bonn.

1991    Households with Faces: the challenge of gender in prehistoric architectural  remains. In Engendering  Archaeology: Women and Prehistory: Women and Prehistory, edited by J. Gero and M. Conkey, pp. 93-131. Basil Blackwell, Oxford.

1995    (with Margaret Conkey) Archaeology and The Goddess: Exploring the Contours of  Feminist Archaeology. In Feminisms in the Academy: Rethinking the Disciplines, edited by A. Stewart and D. Stanton, pp. 199-247. University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

1995    Archaeological houses, households, housework and the home. In The Home: Words, Interpretations, Meanings, and Environments, edited by D. Benjamin and D. Stea, pp. 79-107. Avebury Press, Aldershot.

1996    (with Conkey, Margaret) Cultivating Thinking/Challenging Authority: Experiments in Feminist Pedagogy. In Gender and Archaeology, edited by R. P. Wright, pp. 224-250. University of Pennsylvania Press., Philadelphia, PA.

1996    But Gordon, where are the People? Some comments on the topic of Craft Specialization and Social Evolution. In Craft Specialization and Social Evolution: in commemoration of V. Gordon Childe, edited by B. Wailes, pp. 233-239. MASCA press, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

1996   V.  Gordon Childe. In Oxford Companion to Archaeology, edited by B. Fagan. Oxford University Press, Oxford.

1998    (with Stevanovic, Mirjana) The significance of Neolithic Houses in the Archaeological Record of Southeast Europe. In Zbornik posvecen Dragoslavu Srejovicu, edited by M. Lazic, M. Garasanin, N. Tasic, A. Cermanovic-Kuzmanovic, P. Petrovic, Z. Mikic and M. Ruzic, pp. 193-208. Balkanoloski Institut, Beograd.

1998    (with Margaret Conkey) Rethinking Figurines: a critical analysis of Archaeology, Feminism and Popular Culture. In Ancient Goddesses: The Myths and the Evidence, edited by C. Morris and C. Goodison, pp. 22-45. British Museum Press, London.

2000    Southeastern Europe in the Transition to Agriculture in Europe: Bridge, Buffer or Mosaic. In Europe’s First Farmers, edited by T. D. Price, pp. 19-56. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

2000    The Continuous House: A View from the Deep Past (2000). In Beyond Kinship: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies edited by S. Gillespie and R. Joyce, pp. 115-134. University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia, PA.

2000    (with  Mirjana Stevanovic) Different Excavation Styles create Different Windows into Çatalhöyük. In Towards reflexive method in archaeology: the example at Çatalhöyük by members of the  Çatalhöyük teams, edited by I. Hodder, pp. 111-118. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge, UK.

2000    (with Wolle, Anja)  Multiple Çatalhöyüks on the World Wide Web. In Towards reflexive method in archaeology: the example at Çatalhöyük by members of the  Çatalhöyük teams, edited by I. Hodder, pp. 207-218. McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge.

2001    Household Archaeology. In International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences, edited by N. J. Smelser and P. B. Baltes, pp. 6925-6928. Pergamon Press, Oxford.

2001    (with  Michael Ashley Lopez) The Democratization of Technology. In Virtual Systems and Multimedia (VSMM 2001) 7th International Conference, Berkeley, California.

2003    Re-Digging the Site at the end of the twentieth century: large scale archaeological fieldwork in a new millennium. In Theory and Practice in mediterranean Archaeology, edited by J. Papadopoulos and R. Leventhal, pp. 89-108. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology, UCLA, Los Angele, CA.

2003    Flaked Stone. In Prehistoric Sitagroi, excavations in Northeast Greece 1968-1970. Volume 2: the Final Report, edited by E. Elster and A. C. Renfrew, pp. 81-126. Monumenta Archaeologica 20. vol. 2. 2 vols. Institute of Archaeology Press, UCLA, Los Angeles.

2004    Interweaving Digital Narratives with Dynamic Archaeological Databases for the Public Presentation of Cultural Heritage. In Enter the Past: The E-way into the four dimensions of Cultural heritage –  CAA2003., edited by W. Börner, pp. 196-200. Computer Applications and Quantitative Methods in Archaeology. Archeopress. BAR International Series 1227, Oxford, UK.

2005    Weaving house life and death into places: a blueprint for a hypermedia narrative. In (un)settling the Neolithic, edited by D. Bailey, A. Whittle and V. Cummings, pp. 98-111. Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK.

2010    Forgetting and Remembering the Digital Experience and Digital Data. In Archaeology and Memory, edited by D. Boric, pp. 68-104. Oxbow Books, Oxford, UK.

2012    Sensing the place of Çatalhöyük and Building 3: the rhythms of daily life. In Last House on the Hill: BACH Area Reports from Çatalhöyük, Turkey (Çatalhöyük vol.11), edited by R. Tringham and M. Stevanovic, pp. 531-552. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

2012    The Public Face of Archaeology at Çatalhöyük. In Last House on the Hill: BACH Area Reports from Çatalhöyük, Turkey (Çatalhöyük vol.11), edited by R. Tringham and M. Stevanovic, pp. 503-529. Archaeologica Monumenta 27. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

2012    Households through a Digital Lens. In New Perspectives on Household Archaeology, edited by B. Parker and C. Foster, pp. 81-120. Eisenbrauns Publishing, Winona Lake, IL.

2012    (with Michael Ashley) Creating and Archiving the media database and documentation of the excavation. In Last House on the Hill: BACH Area Reports from Çatalhöyük, Turkey (Çatalhöyük vol.11), edited by R. Tringham and M. Stevanovic, pp. 31-46. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, UCLA, Los Angeles

2012    Afterword: Last House on the Hill: the digital mirror of House Lives. In Last House on the Hill:  BACH Area Reports from Çatalhöyük, Turkey (Çatalhöyük vol.11), edited by R. Tringham and M. Stevanovic, pp. 553-554. Monumenta Archaeologica 27. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

2012    Introduction to the BACH Project. In Last House on the Hill: BACH Area Reports from Çatalhöyük, Turkey (Çatalhöyük vol.11), edited by R. Tringham and M. Stevanovic, pp. 1-9. Monumenta Archaeologica 27. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

2012    Research Methodology. In Last House on the Hill: BACH Area Reports from Çatalhöyük, Turkey (Çatalhöyük vol.11), edited by R. Tringham and M. Stevanovic, pp. 13-29. Cotsen Institute of Archaeology Publications, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.

2013    Destruction of Places by Fire. In Destruction: Archaeological, Philological, and Historical Perspectives, edited by J. Driessen, pp. 89-108. Presses Universitaires de Louvain, Louvain, Belgium.

2013    A Sense Of Touch – The Full-Body Experience – In The Past And Present Of Çatalhöyük, Turkey. In Making Senses of the Past: Toward a Sensory Archaeology, edited by J. Day, pp. 177-195. Center for Archaeological Investigation, SIU, Carbondale, Ill.

2014    (with Michael Shanks and Christopher Witmore) Ruth Tringham. In Archaeology in the Making: Conversations through a discipline, edited by W. Rathje, M. Shanks and C. Witmore, pp. 308-334. Routledge, London and New York.

2015    Dido and the Basket: fragments towards a non-linear history. In Object Stories: artifacts and archaeologists, edited by A. Clarke, U. Frederick and S. Brown, pp. 161-168. Left Coast Press, Walnut Creek, CA.

2015    Creating Narratives of the Past as Recombinant Histories. In Subjects and Narratives in Archaeology, edited by R. M. Van Dyke and R. Bernbeck, pp. 27-54. University Press of Colorado, Denver, Colorado.

2017   Reflections on a 1992 tour of the “New East Europe”. In European Archaeology: Identities and Migrations, edited by L. Manolakakis, N. Schlanger and A. Coudart, pp. 43-68. Sidestone Press, Leiden.

2019 (with Annie Danis) Doing Sensory Archaeology: the Challenges. In The Routledge Handbook of Sensory Archaeology, edited by R. Skeates and J. Day. Pp. 48-75. Routledge, New York.

2020 Closely Observed Layers: Storytelling and the Heart. In Archaeology of the Heart and Emotion, edited by K. Supernant, J. E. Baxter, N. Lyons and S. Atalay, pp. 239-252. Springer, Cham.



1981    Review of “Experimental Determination of Stone Tool Uses” by L. Keeley. Nature.

1985   Review of “Early European Agriculture: Its Foundations and Development” by M.R.Jarman, G.N. Bailey, and H.N. Jarman. Antiquity (October).

1993    Review of M.Gimbutas “Civilization of the Goddess”. American Anthropologist 95(1):196-197.

1996    Review of Bailey, D. and I. Panayotov “Prehistoric Bulgaria“. Antiquity 70(267 March):716-717.

2008    Review of The Art of Narritjin Maymuru: review. Visual Anthropology 21(1):88-90.

2015    Review of Yannis Hamilakis. (2013) Archaeology and the Senses: Human Experience, Memory, and Affect. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, European Journal of Archaeology 18(4):705-708.

2019     Review of Breaking the Surface: An Art/Archaeology of Prehistoric Architecture by Doug Bailey. Journal of Anthropological Research 75(4):606-608.

Unpublished Reports

1993 Nationalism and Internationalism in writing the prehistory of the New East Europe. Center for German and European Studies, UC Berkeley. Submitted to Working papers of the European Society and Culture Research Group.

1997 The Excavation of the BACH Area 1997. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 1997 

1998 (with Mirjana Stevanovic) The  BACH Area 1998. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 1998.

1999 (with Mirjana Stevanovic) The Excavation of the BACH Area. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 1999.

2000 (with Mirjana Stevanovic) The Excavation of the BACH Area. 2000. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 2000.

2001 (with Mirjana Stevanovic) The Excavation of the BACH Area 2001. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 2001.

2002 (with Mirjana Stevanovic) The Excavation of the BACH Area 2002, Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 2002.

2003 (with Mirjana Stevanovic) The Excavation of the BACH Area 2003.34-41. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 2003 

2004 (with Mirjana Stevanovic) Bach Project Study Season. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 2004.

2004 Excavations of the 4040 Area: Spaces 232 and 240. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 2004.

2005 (with Mirjana Stevanovic) Bach Project Study Season.269-271. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 2005.

2007 (with Steve Mills) Remediated Places, 2004-2007.348-356. Çatalhöyük Archive Reports 2007.

2008 (with  Adrian Praetzellis) Interpreting  El Presidio de San Francisco. Anthropological Studies Center, Sonoma State University, Rohnert Park, CA 94928